Hotel Overbooking Protection
While you are a Member of our service, Hotel Overbooking Protection provides Cash Back in the event a
U.S. hotel in which you have made a reservation with a verifiable confirmation number claims to have
no rooms available upon your arrival because of overbooking.
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You may be reimbursed the quoted rate of the room (excluding any taxes or fees) up to a maximum of $500
Cash Back in any consecutive twelve (12) month period.
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You must be a Member at the time of the incident and at the time your Claim is processed. You must
have booked and guaranteed your room with a valid credit card and been provided a reservation confirmation
number. You must provide proof from the Hotel that there were no available rooms at time of check-in.
Overbooking means that the hotel accepted a reservation for a specific date for an agreed-upon rate that can
be confirmed with a reservation number, and at the time of check-in, no rooms are available at the hotel.
You must have stayed in another hotel that evening with a receipt for that stay.
Your claim must be filed as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days from the date of occurrence.
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Hotel Overbooking Protection applies only to Hotels located in the U.S. In addition to the qualifications stated
above, this benefit does not apply if the hotel is uninhabitable for any reason.
For complete Terms of this benefit,
click here
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